It allows users to create custom queries to search for specific issues based on a wide range of criteria, including issue type, status, priority, assignee, and more. These simple queries are connected using keywords or functions that lead to complex queries, depicted in the 2nd example above. You can see in the screenshot below that I’ve filtered down to only issues in the Support project that are assigned to me. I can select columns to show or hide to visualize any other important information about the issues. The advanced search provides an autocomplete feature that allows you to craft queries using JQL. Any basic search can be translated into a JQL query by switching to the Advanced mode from the Basic mode.

The following query computes the number of users that participated in each campaign. Using the above JQL query you can return all issues of Project1. If you have several custom fields with the same name, you must use the custom field ID. If you have several custom fields with the same name, you can only use the cf[12345] notation to refer to one of them. Another important aspect of JQL is the ability to save and share queries.

Fields on all sibling issues (other sub-tasks of the same parent issue)

The following screenshot shows how to add Field Name criteria using advanced features. Let’s take a look at how Jira Query Language, or JQL, can help solve the same problem with Jira Issues, which can similarly become unwieldy in large projects. For more tips and assistance with Atlassian tools, feel free to get in touch with our team. Before we delve into JQL tricks, let’s explore the different ways you can perform an issue search in Jira. In order to create Jira queries, you need to know what’s inside them.

jql query examples

In addition to built-in JQL, the Atlassian Marketplace contains plugins with advanced JQL functionality. The Full-Text Search Attachments for Jira Plugin, for example, enables JQL statements to search attachments for the name, type, and content. You can even build your own plugins with Java, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML skills. For time tracking, adding a short query will generate a report showing the time logged by all the users in a given month. You might use certain searches regularly, so it would be great if Jira remembered the parameters of your JQL search. The only thing that might be confusing is that last part.

Tricky JQL queries for ACP Exam candiates

Next, we’ll combine this using an OR keyword with a clause to find priority 1 issues. This final priority clause is a simple field + operator + value clause. Jira Query Language (JQL) is a text-based search language for Jira.

jql query examples

Query with childValueObjects filter is run and both age and address changes are selected. Since there are no other employees in our repository, byInstanceId() and byClass() queries return the same result. It allows you to find changes (or snapshots) persisted by a particular author. Use the limit parameter what are JQL queries and how to use them to set the maximum
number of Snapshots or Shadows loaded from a JaversRepository. Choose a reasonable limit to improve performance of your queries. The query is useful for selecting any snapshots or changes that were created
by a given author or have some other common properties set during commit.

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